Monday, July 6, 2009

Corry Fest/Parade July 3rd & 4th 2009!

I sang at the Miss/Little Miss Corry Pageant where my good friend Jenell Linden won Miss Corry and was also Most Patriotic, and was crowned by Jocelyn Kurtz!
Runner ups were Trina Sorenson and Lexi Sweizter!
Best Essay Winner was Kellie Peru
I'll get back to you with Little Miss Corry names!

The Parade was also a blast! I got to ride on top of my aunts SUV again, this time with my puppy Lacey!! She was in a dress too, people wanted me to throw her and not candy!! LOL
She kept trying to jump off the car!

Overall a GREAT turnout and a fun weekend!

Friday, June 26, 2009

New Coordinators Dates to KNOW

Applications are accepted until July 11th, go to to submit your information!

Our new Coordinator is Miss Tina Johnson, please contact her with any questions.
Her info is also on the wesbite.

Margo Fletcher will also be helping.

We're getting alumni queens, so if you are one or know any please get a hold of us!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Changes and Old Friends

First off hello! And welcome to my blog!! Notice below this post there's an application, please please send it in if you're interested! =D

Now, As some of you may know, we no longer have a coordinator, so I'm kind of just trying to get the Princess, Junior Miss, and I involved in local events and parades before the end of our reign! If you live in the area and have run any pageants, or functions, please call the fair and apply!!

I'm very happy, that Howard Faulkner of Faulkner's Market has decided to get back into being involved with the fair! He was so kind as to invite me to his store yesterday, to pass out free beenie babies and chips to kids and customers! I had a BLAST!
I met some great people, such as:
-Shaun (and his "twin" brother) from the Scoville Food Institute; they have the BEST hotsauce ever, it's like set up on a periodic table according to hotness! I can honestly say when they say some of their sauces are hot they are NOT lying! Think you can handle it?
-All the COOL CATS from WOLF radio 93.9, a totally kick butt country station.
Guy Sheldon, Kyle, and the guy with the toe. They were nice, and I was happy to get to spend a few hours with them. Check them out along with contests and more at their website:
-I also met more family, I have a looad over in Wattsburg! I tell youu what! LOL

I also had the oportunity to go to talk to close to 60 girls at the big sleepover held at the High School for in coming middle-school girls! It was a lot of fun, and some of them we interested in going out for Junior Miss, so we'll see what happens!

On Memorial Day, keep a look out for The Erie County Fair Princess, Junior Miss, and ME in the Parade in Wattsburg starting at the NW savings bank!!! It starts at 10am so be there or be square!! =D

Erie Co Fair Queen 2008

Thursday, May 14, 2009



Copy and Paste to Word before printing. (======== means new page, and ------ is just a seperator)

Erie County Fair Queen/Jr. Miss/Princess Application

Please either scan and type up or fill out this form ink, neatly. Please only turn in parts of application that need filled out! Keep the rest for information. Meeting will come up with more information!

Send Applications to:

Route 8 & 89
PO BOX 266

Questions?? Phone: 814-739-2232

Circle What You Will Be Running For:
(Princess: Ages 8-11) (Junior Miss: Ages 12-15) (Queen: Ages 16-20)

Today’s date___________

Full Name: ____________________________________________

Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________

Parents or guardian names: _____________________________________________________

Telephone: __________________ E-mail: __________________________

Date of Birth: ____________________ Age: ________ Height: _______

School/College__________________________ Years completed______________

Have you attended the Erie County Fair? Yes/No ______ # of Years ______

Have you been an exhibitor? _____

If so list departments:_____________________ _____________________________________________________________


If you are running for Fair Queen you must answer (typed, 12 font, times new roman) Essay Question in 300 words or LESS.
How is the Erie County fair valuable to our community?

If you are running for Fair Princess or Junior Miss you must answer (typed, 12 font, times new roman) Essay Question in a paragraph or two
Why you want to be the Erie County fair Princess/Junior Miss?


Also please attach a recent photo, and a short biography
(In biography include: Name, Age, School, Parent’s names, future plans, and activities such as but not limited to: 4-H, FFA, Girl Scouts, church as well as any community service involvement, school honors, sports, music, clubs and offices held, ect.)

Desiree Perkins is the daughter of Adam and Tammy Bennett. She lives in Corry, Pennsylvania, where she attends Corry Area Middle High School. Desiree is eighteen years old and will be attending Mount Aloysius College in Cresson, Pa to study secondary English education, and theatre this fall. While in high school Desiree was involved in cheerleading, the school news station, honors/concert choir, theatre, spring musicals, Corry community theatre musicals, and also ran vacation bible school every summer.


1. Reside in or around Erie County
2. Be between 16 and not older than 20 by June 1.
3. Never been a local or state fair queen.
4. Have parent (s’) or guardian consent.
5. Be single, never married, have had no children and remain so during her reign.
6. Be available to participate in events during the fair week.
7. Attend the state competition in Hershey, PA in January.
8. Be available for publicity, before, during, and after the fair (via TV, newspaper, radio and public appearances).

1. Reside in or around Erie County
2. Be in the age groups shown.
3. Have parent (s’) or guardian consent.
4. Must agree to follow the dress code pageant day and if won after!
5. Be available to participate in events during the fair week.
6. Be available for publicity, before, during, and after the fair (via TV, newspaper, radio and public appearances).

Signing below you are herby stating that you agree to follow the rules listed, if any contestant cannot for any reason follow the rules and be involved in some of the activities required of them, their crown will be relinquished and given to that of the 1st runner up.

Contestants Parent Signature Contestant'sSignature


The contest consists of 4 segments with each segment counting towards points (subject to change):

1. Essay/Personal Interview
-We may or may not do an interview but if it is done each contestant will meet privately with a panel of three judges the answers to a variety of questions, appearance / poise, activities and knowledge of the Erie County Fair. -The essay is how well the question is answered. (40 points)

2. Speech Presentation (not for jr miss/princess)

This is a persuasive speech on the topic "Why you should come to my fair". A 3-5 minutes (timed) oral presentation is given in front of the audience. This speech should include daily and featured events, agricultural exhibits and how our fair impacts our community. It is judged on content, persuasive quality, speaking ability and poise/presence. (30 points)

3. Evening Gown / Introduction
This segment is conducted in front of guests and three judges. Each contestant will walk on stage and introduce herself to the audience. This introduction should be similar to that which a Fair Princess/Junior Miss/Queen would give when visiting a fair or other public event. (Must be under one minute). This event is judged on content, stage presence and appearance. (20 points).

4. Impromptu Question
Each contestant will be required to answer the same impromptu question in front of the judges and audience (10 points)

**NOTE: There will also be photos taken for Miss Photogenic, a log sheet given for community service hours and the community service plaque, sponsorship award for most money collected, and a vote for Miss Congeniality but these do not count toward the scores of who will become princess/junior miss/queen!**

Pageant Will Be: August 30th, 2009 at__:____

Practices Will Be: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Time To Organize!

Hello Everyone!
We need some updates don't you think!?

  • I learned that being on the fair board isn't all fun and games, and you don't always agree on everything, so it's good to be patient, learn to compromise, and really know how to work with people to be a part of it, and I'm happy I went to a meeting about not just the pageant, but mostly about just fair stuff to see what really goes on! I feel more involved with the fair now and I was excited to be able to put in my opinions and things to help put our fair on for its 125th year!!

How about some ideas for 2009?
Well, here they are ladies && gents!
Let Me know what you think!!!
  • Benefit for the fair at the fire hall. Talent Show Type of Deal && Dinner fund raises the fair!
  • Maybe adding in a little interview into the pageant, for preparedness reasons
  • Getting out there, and promoting the fair queen pageant, by talking about it at local schools
  • Getting an Emcee (Hopefully T.A **crosses fingers**)
  • Figuring out Parades and what ones we're doing to finish out the year

Thanks Again!
Hugs & Good Tidings,
Desiree <3

Monday, January 26, 2009

The State Pageant at the Hershey Lodge!

Current Mood: Blessed

STATE PAGEANT && Agricultural Extravaganza!

All I can say is wow! When I competed to be Pennsylvania Fair Queen, I was amazed at all the amazing girls I met there. They were all different in their own ways, and I tried my hardest, but unfortunately did not place. It was still a lot of fun, and I learned alot about myself, my fair, my fair board, and agriculture in Pennsylvania. For instance I didn't know that in our little corner of Northwestern, Pa we're one of the largest grape farming communities in the nation! That's something to be proud of. I got to spend a ton of time with my fair board. They the funniest, caring, and some loudest people I know! I had the pleasure of getting to know our new president Junior Hartner, and I came to find he was a very nice guy, that has become like a father to me throughout this whole crazy thing! If I did it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing, I talked to everyone, and have made friends, that I talk to on a daily basis! I congratulate the new queen, Nichole Clemson, of the Luzerene County Fair, she was passionate and genuine to everyone at that pageant, and I was pleased to meet her. I became friends with most of the people whose County Fairs began with "E" since was right by them! Plus Miss Congeniality from last year, who if I lived closer to her, we'd be probably attached at the hip, I didn't know there was anyone in the world anywhere near like me, or with my sense of humor, but I found one there at Hershey! I'm glad I was blessed enough to go there, and It's an AMAZING experience I'll always remember!

God Bless,
Desiree <3>