Monday, January 26, 2009

The State Pageant at the Hershey Lodge!

Current Mood: Blessed

STATE PAGEANT && Agricultural Extravaganza!

All I can say is wow! When I competed to be Pennsylvania Fair Queen, I was amazed at all the amazing girls I met there. They were all different in their own ways, and I tried my hardest, but unfortunately did not place. It was still a lot of fun, and I learned alot about myself, my fair, my fair board, and agriculture in Pennsylvania. For instance I didn't know that in our little corner of Northwestern, Pa we're one of the largest grape farming communities in the nation! That's something to be proud of. I got to spend a ton of time with my fair board. They the funniest, caring, and some loudest people I know! I had the pleasure of getting to know our new president Junior Hartner, and I came to find he was a very nice guy, that has become like a father to me throughout this whole crazy thing! If I did it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing, I talked to everyone, and have made friends, that I talk to on a daily basis! I congratulate the new queen, Nichole Clemson, of the Luzerene County Fair, she was passionate and genuine to everyone at that pageant, and I was pleased to meet her. I became friends with most of the people whose County Fairs began with "E" since was right by them! Plus Miss Congeniality from last year, who if I lived closer to her, we'd be probably attached at the hip, I didn't know there was anyone in the world anywhere near like me, or with my sense of humor, but I found one there at Hershey! I'm glad I was blessed enough to go there, and It's an AMAZING experience I'll always remember!

God Bless,
Desiree <3>